Combining a traditional creative approach with 3D models and renders, Joe and His Killer Robot Dad is an attempt to develop a story and world, which is easily adaptable to multiple media platforms.
Mick McMahon’s original concepts are used as a starting point for Steve Green to create 3D 'rigged' characters, props and scenery. Providing a growing suite of digital assets for illustration, animation and product design.
JOE is no fan of the military academy he’s been imprisoned
in. He glories in the designation ‘War School Reject’. Luckily his life is about to take an unexpected turn when Dad shows up to bust him out! It’s going to be action, adventure and hopefully a little fun, from here on!
A peace loving dude at heart, recent events have not been kind to DAD, but he won’t let his current predicament stop him looking out for Joe!

Troops of the human army are indoctrinated from a young age to follow orders and kill robots! Expect no mercy from feared soldiers of the VESPA CORP!

BATTLE ROBOTS are the foundation of The Automaton Nation. Obedient to the ever present ‘master control signal’, their ability to duplicate their consciousness to new bodies when destroyed can often lead to ‘interesting’ personality glitches.

The digital assets are rendered to match Mick’s narrative thumbnail layouts, to create the final comic.